31 Aug 2011
Ever since I was old enough to have responsibilities, I’ve felt like I’m constantly trying to catch up with everything I need to get done. Despite having good grades throughout all of my schooling, I usually put off projects, reading assignments, and studying as long as possible. And if I... Read more...
07 Mar 2011
I’ve found lately, that I get the majority of my news from Twitter, Comedy Central, and NPR’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me.” As a result, I know there’s a lot going on about Charlie Sheen lately, but I didn’t know until almost a week later that my father-in-law made it... Read more...
14 Oct 2010
Firstly, I’m going to not apologize for having taken so long to write. If I do that, every blog post will begin with the same apology: “wah. wah. my life is soooo busy. I wish I could just write alllllll the time.” No one wants to read that. From now... Read more...
02 Jul 2010
I’m sure all parents are aware of this, but I’m continually astounded at how the presence of a baby breaks down all social barriers. People who would never walk up to you or talk to you sans baby are now your new best friends. About half of my visits to... Read more...
02 Jul 2010
It’s been over a month since my last post, but I’ve been decently productive in that month. Our wedding plans are taking form, but we still have a long way to go before August 14th. Sadly, I’m still getting invitations out. I think those are supposed to go out two... Read more...